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Curious peek into "Eight and a Half"

Browsing sometimes brings you to inspiring places, and virtual inspiration takes you to the brick-and-mortar ones - perfect and productive synergy. This time it happened thanks to Cat Bethune's post in Spotted by Locals about "Ocho y medio". Cat "spotted" a place which I have actually seen and past by several times while going to see a movie in one of the theaters on the same street, but never have adventured to enter. After seeing it spotted, I can't wait. I am sitting on my couch, some 500 meters away from the spot, writting this post and can't wait for Saturday afternoon to come, to go and check it out.

They have food, which is an unbeatable attraction, an atmosphere to make you feel all cool and vanguard, they issue their own books about movies and people from the film industry, a shop so you can touch and feel all that creative atmosphere, and they have internet, so you can safely sink for hours in the world of cinema, fotos, objects and illusions with an excuse of a laptop on your table. Apart from being people with a distinct and personal feel of elegance and beauty, Ocho y medio is a community, a welcoming comunity inviting everyone to come and participate in this movie related event, slash English classed. Interesting. Will see it tomorrow for an afternoon coffee.

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